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I forgot to pay for parking, can I pay now?

I forgot to pay for parking, can I pay now?

At some YourParkingSpace operated car parks where the car park is fast pace (like a shopping centre for example), signs will confirm if you can Post-Pay. To Post-Pay, payment needs to be made before midnight the following day to avoid a Parking Charge. To learn how to pay with Post-Pay or find out if the location you parked at is eligible for Post-Pay, see this article

For any location that doesn't offer Post-Pay, you will be unable to pay for a completed parking session via our platform. This is due to the terms of use of the car park as set by the Enforcement Company onsite which will require you to pay on arrival or pay on exit. 

You are unable to amend/backdate the start time on a booking at all locations.


❗️Important: If you receive a Parking Charge for parking without a valid payment, you will need to contact the issuing authority directly. Where YourParkingSpace has not authorised your vehicle during the times of your parking session, we are unable to assist with any fines.

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