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How to cancel your hourly & daily booking

How to cancel your hourly & daily booking


Cancelling before the booking starts

Request a refund: Cancelling an active or completed booking


Please see the following article for details on our cancellation and refund policy:


⏰ Cancelling before the booking starts


  1. Login to your account
  2. Tap 'Driver' at the top of the page to navigate to the Driver section of your account. If you're using our app you won't need to take this step.
  3. Select 'Active Bookings' on the left-side menu
  4. Find the booking you want to amend and tap 'Manage Booking' 
  5. Scroll to your Booking Details and click 'Cancel Booking'
  6. Your refund will be automatically processed on our side and appear in your account within 5-10 working days (usually much sooner, but it all depends on how quick your bank is)

💸 Cancelling an 'active' or 'completed' booking, including requesting a refund


To request a refund for an active or completed booking, contact us here.


💡️ Helpful Tip:
Download the YourParkingSpace app to easily manage your bookings on the go


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