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Post-Booking Instructions


We already provide an auto-generated set of instructions based on the information that you've proivded throughout the lsiting process. These include:

  1. The full address of your space
  2. The code for a security gate
  3. The number of your allocated bay (if applicable)
  4. If the driver needs to collect any access equipment
  5. Your first name and phone number

Additional post-booking instructions

This is where you’ll provide any specific instructions that will help the driver access or find your parking space.

  • Any directional information that might help them locate your space easier
  • Details on how the driver would get hold of a key fob or permit if required 
  • Any specific parking instructions (e.g. Please park to the left of the driveway beside the bins)
  • Anything else the driver might need to know and keep handy for the duration of the booking (e.g. if you live near an airport perhaps a contact number for a local taxi firm might be helpful).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We will never publish the Post-Booking Instructions on the website. Only following a successful booking will the driver receive these details.

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YourParkingSpace Office Hours

Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 10am - 5pm