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How do I cancel a booking?

How do I cancel a booking?

If you find yourself unable to honour a confirmed booking, please contact us here. Our Customer Support team will action the cancellation for you and attempt to find the driver another place to park to minimise the inconvenience.

How do I avoid cancelling bookings?

We expect Space Owners to keep their availability calendar is up to date at all times to avoid cancellations. We understand sometimes life happens and you may need to cancel a confirmed booking, that's why our support team is here to help the driver find another place to park. However, we owe it both our Driver base and Space Owner community to keep our platform reliable and acurate, so we operate a 3-strike policy for this type of cancellation.

What is the 3-strike policy?

We work to a 3-strike policy whereby any listing that receives 3 cancellation requests due to inaccurate availability, is placed under review by our quality control team. Depending on the outcome of the review where we asses the percentage of cancellations against the successfully completed bookings, the listing may be permanently suspended from the YourParkingSpace platform.

We have an obligation to both our Driver community and other Space Owners to keep the YourParkingSpace platform reliable so we continue to attract great reviews and increase our driver base so the Space Owners continue to earn meaningful income.

Can a driver write a review on my space if I cancel their booking?

An automated review is left each time a Space Owner cancels a booking within 24h of the start time. These reviews cannot be removed. It's important to note that these reviews are regarded as helpful to our Driver base when considering which space to book as it provides an indication how reliable you are as a host and how accurate the listing tends to be.

Please note, cancellations can be avoided by ensuring your availability calendar is up to date.

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