What are the cancellation and refund policies for monthly bookings?
The cancellation and refund policy for a monthly booking all depends on when you are attempting to cancel.
Cancelling before the booking start date
Cancellations within the first 48 hours of the booking starting
Cancellations after the first 48 hours
Giving more than 30 days notice
Am I locked into a long term contract?
Anytime before the start date
You can cancel a booking for a full refund anytime before the start date with immediate effect. Please contact us via our contact form here, selecting Driver - Cancel a long term booking (30 days notice) to action your request.
Cancelling within 48 hours of the booking starting
A monthly booking can be cancelled for a full refund, no later than 48 hours after the booking start date, minus the cost of days used.
For example - if you cancel within the first 24 hours, you will receive a full refund minus the cost of one days parking. If you cancel within 48 hours, you will receive a full refund minus two days parking.
Please contact us via our contact form here, selecting Driver - Cancel a long term booking (30 days notice) to action your request.
Cancel anytime after 48 hours of the booking starting
To cancel a booking any time after 48 hours of the booking starting, 30 days notice will apply. In this instance a refund will not be applicable. Your booking end date will be set to 30 days from the date we receive notice.
For example - if you give 30 notice on 14.06.2023, your booking end date will be 13.07.2023.
Please contact us via our contact form here, selecting Driver - Cancel a long term booking (30 days notice) to action your request.
I wish to give notice that is longer than 30 days
This is absolutely fine! Please specify the date you would like the booking to terminate when contacting us. In this instance a refund will not be applicable.
Please contact us via our contact form here, selecting Driver - Cancel a long term booking (30 days notice) to action your request.
Am I locked into a long-term contract?
Not at all!
You are able to give your 30 days notice at any time to terminate your monthly rolling subscription.
Contact Us
YourParkingSpace Office Hours
Monday: | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday: | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday: | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday: | 9am - 5pm |
Friday: | 9am - 5pm |
Saturday: | 10am - 5pm |
Sunday: | 10am - 5pm |